Hi I hope you can help me, I need advice. I am on day 7 of my 1st ever water fast. I am a 220lb female and so really need to lose weight. I have started seeing fantastic results. The issue is I believe I am anemic due to v heavy and prolonged periods. Recently (last 2 days) I have noticed climbing the single set of stairs in my house makes my heart rate race. I have never had anything like this before. So far my fast has been totally clean water only. No tea, supplements, flavouring, just water. However today I decided to add 1 sachet of iron water to my water bottle to help the anemia. I am seriously considering having a small 250ml glass of orange juice for breakfast from now to take the iron as I have heard it helps you to absorb it much better. Then take only water for the rest of the day. Will this be enough to take me out of Ketosis? I know this means technically I am no longer truly water fasting, but I loath to fully break the fast due to the results. I am hoping this will be temporary and then I can return to water only. Thanks for taking the time to read this and hopefully replying.