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Activist Forum
How about an Activist Forum, where people can strategize methods of fighting in a meaningful way against the bully organizations that have preyed and profited on others' ignorance and misfortunes ? As Trump said, you don't tell the enemy what you're doing ahead of time, but if the "people" really want to be free, they need to get their act together and put forth strategies that are bulletproof even if the enemy is aware of it. That't the most powerful way, in the open. So, where's all the strategists ? "Activist Forum"
Iodine forum, a good idea but had only a seconadary effect. Potassium forum, zinc forum, blah blah. A bunch of scattered souls taking a supplement, no big deal, no real effect or impact on the big screen. If you all are serious about pushing back the enemy, you'd organize. Personaly, I think the enemy is too powerful, that these all websites live in fear of being shut down, which is why there hasn't been meaningful organized resistance to the bulllshht. Create an Activist Forum and see where that leads. Maybe they'll round us all up and shoot us, Stalin style. Scared ? Overcome the Fear and man-up is what people need to do. All the protocols and supplements haven't cured anything. The only hope is that people again learn to grow some balls, and support those who have courage. Forward