hey- a quick question for you; I just started the parasite cleanse 1 week ago & I'm already expelling Tons of visible parasites (3-4 diff types of flukes, ascaris, smaller worms, just Alot). But I've been raw vegan for a few years now (& one of the things that made me suspect parasites was being raw vegan didn't seem to help me w/my health issues even though I stick to it Strictly). Anyways, when you mention fats, are there any raw vegan sources of fat that are ok to eat that don't feed them? I never use oil but When I first went raw, I did indulge in (only Sprouted) nuts and seeds quite a lot; I still have them occasionally and in moderation. But I love avocados with the occasional coconut (I feel like those have helped me stay raw all this time)- do you think the fat in those feeds them or will be ok?
Thanks- there's just so much conflicting diet info online abt it- lots of ppl say to do a paleo diet which I think Can't be good for anything (& I'm an ethical vegan anyways so I don't want to eat meat). Thanks!