Quick Update
Just to let you guys know, when I was in Mexico drinking with my friend 13 days ago he tossed a full plastic water bottle towards me. I didn't see him do it and it hit me right on my face directly on my lip. It split my lip literally in half and was bleeding badly for a couple hours.
The next day my lips both the top and bottom were swollen to probably 150% of their normal size. I was worried because we were swimming with sharks the next day, but the lips had sealed themselves up well enough that I didn't have to worry too much about them.
Over the following week (last week) my lips started returning to their normal size, and the skin started peeling off like before (although the skin was thinner than when I had ec before) I constantly applied my lip balm and used aquaphor at night to keep it protected. Only a couple parts of my lips peeled, and then several days later another much smaller area peeled.
Almost two weeks later and my lips are back at 100% and no issues. Which leads me to my reason for posting this as I have always thought ec was mainly related to inflammation and swelling. If I would have picked off the skin on my lips last week I could have sent myself back down a spiral of constant inflammation and swelling, but since I didn't my lips kept healing and reducing their size until they became what they originally were supposed to be.
Hope this can help/motivate anyone.