I went out on a limb and used electricity from 9 volt batteries!!! Desperate times require desperate measures. No one can call you crazy if you succeeded. But it's really not all that crazy. Using electric current was one of the well known branches of medicine back in the early 1900's when the gov't decided to endorse allopathic medicine and blackball all other forms. Back then every doctor had electromedicine devices in their clinic. Now everyone is so brainwashed they laugh at the only thing that can cure them. crazy times. A few decades ago researchers in New York found that direct current stopped 97% of HIV in a test tube. From that discovery the Beck electromedicine devices were born. Now the Beck Blood Electrifiers are used against every type of blood-borne virus and bacteria successfully. It is both the best medicine of the past and of the future! see www.dragonfly75.com/electromedicine.html