I would like to address the comment about the chriopractor. I have been to 3 chriopractors over the years for lower back pain, and let me tell you, it did not help me in the slightest. Not only did I see no improvement, after visinting my last (and definately final) chriopractor, my body has not since been the same. She insisted on doing adjustments to my hips, neck, and collar bone (where I had no problems with pain) and following that adjustment 4 years ago, I have not been the same. I now have excrucating pains in my collar bone and hips. Another problem I have noticed is the constant popping of my hips in and out of the socket (I never ever had problems with this before visiting her), also, many areas of my body now pop and crack. Even my collarbone pops in and out of place. It have had excruciating pain since visiting the chriopracter. There are many other people out there who too have had problems with chriopractors. Please carefully research before going and seeing a chriopractor. Whereas before I only had to deal with herniated discs and pain in my lower back, I now have pain all throughout my entire body and have to worry about bones popping out of socket. PLEASE BE CAREFUL!!!!