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MOULD MITES plus candida overgrowth equal

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

fluffhead Views: 310
Published: 8 y

MOULD MITES plus candida overgrowth equal

during the process of candida die off, are there white hair-like, creatures that pop out of skin+hair folicles on all parts of the body? how about a white powder-like substance that sheds off the body and clothing in mass quantity. i found the stuff everywhere from inside and under my oven to in my clothes + in my car, there are several distinct forms of it, each of which seem to mimic something else, in my case, these forms are: the "dust" mentioned above, often blended with normal house dirt, dust+ dust mites(i believe); short white things resembling course hair like beard stubble+/or thread. these are easy to spot (after seeing the first hundred or so of them, yes i have samples!) some are imbedded in clothing seems, some imbedded, yes imbedded, still there in some cases, in wood floor, some in solid stone, in drinking glasses, kitchen stove, pic frames, mirrors, wood and metal furniture. its mind-blowing, how far and wide this stuff got... and how deep!! the second variety im guessing oposite sex, found in same above locations also imbedded just under the surface in some cases, looks very similar, but instead of bright white, its varrying shades of tan and brown. sometimes they actually look like a bug( unless they are a bug- a different bug), they're flea-like..perhaps. and the third... wait for it!-- the floaters.. they look like the white ones but have feathery additions, which gives them the superpower of flight, the ones in the clothes, must not be able to catch wind, so they have been noted ( by me+ evidenced by phone cam) to weave themselves right into the seam of a garment(as if a needle AND thread) i have seen what i have no doubt to be their work, a 5" segment of seem un-stitched with thread hanging. there is a sticky residue they leave behind, and i too do smell strange smells. + lastly, the egg, i assume.. omg, these r the most time consumng event of all time! they appear to be small lintballs, but while containing lint, they also contain the dreaded sticky core, that is one busy mother worm... helpful hint>> if u have these also, buy a pair of magnetic jewelry pliers with curved tip, ebay is a good choice! hours to remove them from a single! luckily i knew something was up so i shut down my wardrobe, as well as my bedroom a long time ago. im just now getting to it, because as anyone with candida overgrowth knows, the energy and motivation just isnt there, its been hijacked+ in its place is a depressed shell of what was once vibrant and full of life.
the cleaning of my (luckily) small space living environment has been grueling + more than i was able to tackle (or accept) some days,. again primarily due to my lack of energy and overwhelming sensation that was beginning to flood my mind..making it even more frustrating was the mass amount of personal. belongings in the space that grew (slightly) out of control while the candida+/or unidentified parasites grew wildly out of control inside my body, still un-detected making my only true priority to seek out the refined sugar, carbs+ processed food i was craving like am drug addict craves their favorite drug, my cravings in particular were coca cola, glazed doughnuts and burgers+ fries.
i put an end to their feeding of these "fake foods" about 3 months ago, cutting out the above items+ ALLother refined sugar, + processed food+ breads. HARDCORE! i did about 3wks of humaworm, (parasite cleanse) 2 capsules, 2x a day, which i had left over from last year about this time, before realizing i had the Humaworm, i started Symbion (a probiotic specifically formulated to destroy candida while building up the much depleted good bactetria) and had been taking that for about 3 wks, which i stopped durring the humaworm treatment, as advised, and began it again after completion. a few days later i added humaworm candida herbal capsules which has been an approximate additional 3wks, im guessing about 9wks total since beginning the treatment.

i bought an ionizer, ozone generator early on , which made a huge difference in the beginning, dropping mass amounts of the elusive floaters from the air, + somehow removing the sticky residue i didnt even realize i had all over my face. after the first night with the ioniizer i woke up amazed at how soft, smooth and dry my skin was.l + i felt A LOT better. progress has been slower since then. ! would love to find out all this i describe is simply the candida, but cant find any verification that candida can fly., and survive the above treatment,+ am fairly certain its microscopic +i dont own a microscope.

now something is going on with my hair again(after growing back in from a bout of alopecia totalis( lost every single hair on my entire body..several years ago. i thought that was the ultimate detox.. currently my hair is doing the "moving thing" that ive read others describe, its bizarre and slightly hillarious . its falling out and it's somettimes tied(not by me) in intricate butterfly knots when it does or looks like it was kinked like back in the 80s with a curling iron( no electric hair tools here) . these things r ridiculous!!!! im on a salt water kick for my hair and skin after slowing down on the teatree thinking maybe that was killing my hair. using neem on floors, feet, body, etc. . taking neem caps as well. added thyroid support, biotin, zinc, tumeric/green tea/black pepper. also. stopped the humaworm candida cleanse+began candida pro by terapeutics. got some hq wormwood caps, cloves caps+(green) black walnut husk tincture(all 3 from one life, usa with dr clarks production guidelines)

i take diatomaceous earth 1+1/2TBSP 2x/day, 15-20 drops of grapefruit seed extract. sodium chloride+ trace minerals, and on my 3rd month of symbion for the candida.

things are improving at a slow rate+ knowledge is growing.
i think my "usp" is actually mold mites that multiplied exponentially and began feeding off the candida overgrowth, on my skin and gained access through my mouth, nose, eyes+ ears to my system. so the mold mites+ candida ravished me while i could do nothing but sleep, itch, + experience frequent anxiety attacks, producing mad amounts of stress that enabled the mites and the fungi to multiply even more prolifically, all unbenounced to me.
i got a little far behind the 8ball.



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