Re: The March for ... What?
You are one who may appreciate my interests in Miles' outing of Pound, prior to which I was aware of basically only one small tidbit about this person; he was being held as political prisoner whereupon he was motivated to solicit the mentoring of Eustace Mullins' through the Library of Congress enroute to outing the Federal Reserve Act / Bank / Ownership.
While coming as quite the surprise to discover this aspect of Pound that I do not recall Eustace revealing, I remain steadfast in loathe for said act and its awful by products " that keep on giving" , I of course am pausing to consider this new info and how it fits into / squares with the overall truth to the story that is the long and winding NWO narrative.
About crickets, kudos for contacting Miles and his quick response but not all that surprising he did not instantly reply or cough up research that lends significant weight to round earth especially on the heals of inquiring on his Intel status 😱 He clearly has remarked recently on the phenom that has strangely become ensconced in virtual discourse in the past year or so; web surfers being constantly pestered by links that are iften advertisements luring them into reading all about "proof of flat earth". I suspect this topic is on his map for future papers but hope that you have figurred out his map has very broad and deep scope AND he is the sort to get into research of a given topic in large part by accidental or spontaneous circumstances arising while researching of a previous paper and NOT from being prompted to do so by a newcomer asking if he is cia🙂