Sometimes eating to many carbs can be enough. It sounds like dysbiosis of some sorts, you need to do an Elimination Diet and gradually introduce foods to see what you can tolerate and add in some Celtic Sea Salt . Get your thyroid checked. Antioxadant. Natural sunshine about 20 mins a day for white skin is the best way to get your vid d up. Type in search bar dysbiosis and loads of stuff will come up. Check out Linenup posts in the search bar there is tons of useful information on curezone. Check out dvjorge posts. Check out mattk3 posts. You can also try contacting people pm, some will answer back. Eat organic as much as you can. There is a way forward you just have to find it, everyone does. Hubner Silicea, gastrointestinal gel will help short term but only do it short term, you should never take it long term. I think they do a toothpaste, I am not a doctor, at the end of the day I recommended that you do see a professional. Any information I give you is from an educational background and the choices you make have to be exactly that, your choices based on your decisions, we are all unique.