Re: 48 yrs old, mirena for 9 mths, insomnia, heart racing - is it buildup of synthetic progestins - any other peri or menopausal ladies in/been through this situation
Re: 48 yrs old, mirena for 9 mths, insomnia, heart racing - is it buildup of synthetic progestins - any other peri or menopausal ladies in/been through this situation
I'm not peri-menopausal, but I also had heart palpitations and horrible insomnia when I had the Mirena, as did tons of other women on this forum--they are two of the most frequently cited issues here. I had never had those problems before Mirena and I haven't had them since it came out. One of the hypotheses I've read here is that the synthetic progestin in Mirena interferes with the body's own production of progesterone, and the resulting hormonal imbalance (low progesterone relative to estrogen) causes many of the symptoms that people report. Personally, I now tend to think that synthetic hormones do not help our bodies; they may sometimes cover up problems temporarily but at the expense of long-term health.