Modern Diet and Stress cause homosexuality?
I think yes. Some facts that support this are:
-The sexually dimorphic nucleus in the medial preoptic area regulates the thrusting movements during sex and it is on average smaller in homosexuals than heterosexuals. When it is lesioned, in some studies the animals become homosexual. Feminine homosexual males do not have the urge to thrust (bottoms), while lesbian do not have the urge to "engulf".
-The nucleus is sensitive to testosterone from prenatal period till the end of puberty, and probably somewhat after puberty. In humans it is thought to get smaller in females from age 4. In males, testosterone probably keeps it from getting smaller.
-High-sugar, high-fat diet has been associated with disturbed testosterone levels, either low or high.
-Stress has been associated with high-sugar, high-fat diet and with disturbed testosterone levels.
-Low testosterone levels contribute to feminine male homosexuality by affecting the nucleus, while high testosterone levels contribute to situational homosexuality in males and to homosexuality in females.
-The brain develops during sleep. Testosterone levels increase during sleep. The nucelus probably develops during the nocturnal erections, therefore sleep disturbances would affect its development.
-Castrated men and hormone treated transsexuals report a shift in sexual orientation.
-I think that self-gratification disrupts the work of the sexually dimorphic nucleus, because it circumvents the thrusting movements, thus makes the nucleus redundant and probably affects its development or functioning (especially during puberty when the brain is being sexually differentiated). self-gratification (but not partnered sex) is increased during stress. Psychiatrists of the 19-th century thought that self-gratification causes homosexuality and the Native Americans have used it to make the mujerado (passive homosexuals).
Many studies done on testosterone levels in homosexuals show normal levels probably due to three factors: 1. They include in the sample the homosexuality caused by excessive self-gratification. 2. They compare testosterone levels of homosexuals with contemporaneous males. There has been a global decrease in male fertility and probably in testosterone action or levels during the 20-th century. Today's heterosexuals would be less so than their predecessors. They are closer to the homosexuality threshold 3. The studies probably do not measure testosterone levels during the night. If homosexuals sleep less than heterosexuals (a study shows this), they have lower testosterone levels during the night, when the brain develops.
The rest of the facts, that support the hypothesis, is epidemiological: higher homosexuality rates in cities, in modern societies, in overcrowded animals, in stressed animals, in women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia etc.
Modern diet may be the most neglected factor that contributes to homosexuality. Its role has nevertheless been noticed by the raw foodists, Stephen Arlin and Francis Pottenger.
I have recently published an ebook "Modern Diet and Stress Cause Homosexuality: A Hypothesis and a Potential Therapy.", which explains it in more detail.