Hi I am new to the forum and would like to see if anyone would have any thoughts on what is wrong with me. August of 2016 I became so sick. It started with very tight feelings under my ribs and especially on the right side. I couldn't eat any solid foods because I would belch and feel like I couldn't handle it. I've had every test for gastrointestinal stuff, 2 MRI's, 2 CT scans and they could find nothing. I've lost 70 pounds in almost 8 months. I can now eat blended soups but mostly liquid, shakes, an egg yolk very soft and Ice cream. This has to some degree affected my swallowing also.
I thought that this could be candida because my tongue is white but not as white as it was. Then I thought maybe parasites. I just don't know. Any thoughts would be appreciated. I do eat a lot of probiotic yogurt.