Q: Why was 6 afraid of 7?
A: Because 7, 8, 9.
Q: What musical instrument is found in the bathroom?
A: A tuba toothpaste.
Q: Where do pencils go for vacation?
A: Pencil-vania.
Q: Why did the girl smear peanut butter on the road?
A: To go with the traffic jam!
Q: Why do bananas have to put on sunscreen before they go to the beach?
A: Because they might peel!
Q: What did 0 say to 8?
A: Nice belt!
Q: What did the mushroom say to the fungus?
A: You're a fun guy [fungi].
Q: Why couldn't the pony sing himself a lullaby?
A: He was a little hoarse.
Q: What happened to the dog that swallowed a firefly?
A: It barked with de-light!
Q: What stays in the corner and travels all over the world?
A: A stamp.
Q: Why did the computer go to the doctor?
A: Because it had a virus!