Re: Homozon - bruised liver feeling, burping. Any ideas???
I'm a practiced dryfaster and discovered the body resets and restores itself to its proper balance and internal chemistry through extended, intelligent dryfsting. Bowel cleansing, especially the liquifaction action of Homozon, supports a dryfast regimen.
I no longer call de-tox symptoms a "healing crises", but prefer now to call them a "healing response", and I suppose it is the price I pay for the years of abusing the body through self-indulgent eating and the S.A.D. diet. Now I eat mostly raw fruits and veggies, and I eat only one meal a day. The rest of the day it is either herbal teas or grape juice with lemon juice added.
However, one can work out the proper de-toxing gradients so as to avoid strong de-tox symptoms.
Dryfasting allows the body to address the liver and purge it, along with the glands and other internal organs, plus the nervous system... if we can step aside and let the body do its thing.
I've learned a lot about how to support a dryfast through the Master Fast System, developed by Gino DiSerio.
Best wishes.