Re: Which Microscope to buy for protozoa
I did start this years ago, when I had a lab and website. It became something requiring a lot of time and discipline.
In the end, it never really helps, because the stuff you find is so large in quantity, and the images must be annotated or they fall out of context. There is blood, stool, skin, hair, tissue, various fluids including sputum, cultures etc..
You can go on forever, especially if you include animal specimens.
I have just developed an instinct, for detection and use different microscopic settings to make observations (different mag, focus, imagine generations, fields, staining) Doing this kind of work is tedious, but making significant discoveries is rewarding.
I would move next to finding effective and innovative ways to engage disease so it works with the body to eliminate parasites. This is possible, but is very focused on the individual.
For example proteasome transplantation. I feel this direction will be profitable.