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Permanent diet of mostly juicing and other vegan items?
kmg4 Views: 875
Published: 8 y

Permanent diet of mostly juicing and other vegan items?

What would happen if I moved to a diet that was nothing but :

1) 32 oz of carrot+celery juice each morning. Celery is organic, carrots are not.
2) Budwig protocol (1 cup) in the afternoon.
3) Some whole fruits here and there (mostly not organic, but I don't think bananas and watermelons need to be organic).
4) The main dinner is legumes + rice. Usually black beans w/ brown rice (with cilantro, lime, cumin, and cayenne), or Kitchree of mung beans with white rice.

This is where I get substance. Plus legumes have very high nutrients and somehow the digestions just 'feels' right.

5) The only dessert ever is high-quality cacao powder in coconut oil. It tastes good and you get used to it.

What do you think about that? If that was my permanent diet (outside of infrequent business functions)..


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