Stressed about holistic dental work in tijuana next week who to choose
Definitely stressed on who to choose between
1.Edgar montano
2.American bio dental studios
3.And another guy who is twice the price Dr Jesus Carlos ornelas
Seems like montano with bio dental studio it seems I have no seen negative on him but only his partner morales
American bio dental seems great they have testimonials on YouTube as well and they offer blood and hair mineral tests awesome I read 1 bad review my thing is someone on YouTube said they are great and some of their competitors make up reviews
Dr Jesus the most expensive but this guy said he does blood spin and he has met with dentist in Germany and Hal Huggins and author of the book
root canal cover up he has alot of resume more than anybody else in tijuana it seems
Will the cheaper options be safe or will it be a I wish I had spent more on the Dr Jesus guy smh I just wanna make sure since someone is scraping my jaw bone and crap I think this infection has messed up mental of mine I seem to think the worse praying for best results I need a blessing then u have all these extra methods like the blood spin is it necessary I am a broke sick person I want cheap but I want effective I'd like to go spend like $300 but if I have to I will spend $900-1000 or whatever I just don't know what to choose I know some say they got cured with standard cleaning and nothing more I think since the time is approaching I'm thinkin alot more