I've been taking zinc & vitamin b6. It's helped a lot but fermented foods and eggs are still a huge problem for me. I'm going to try vitamin b2 to see if it helps with my thrush. The best part about using vitamins and minerals to help with candida is that is hasn't built a resistance since it's just nourishing my body. They've been working consistently since November. My oral thrush is awful. Who else has had minor successes that have lasted? What diets are you currently doing? I'm not following one ATM because I work 12 hour shifts and it's so exhausting. I'll start the anti candida diet this weekend and I'm also going to get some molybdenum to help with the die off. Also what are your favorite anti-candida meals? I already miss food. Lol. Anyway if you haven't tried it, I'd totally recommend zinc and b6. Helped dramatically with my Seborrheic Dermatitis . And halitosis. The only reason I'll have BB nowadays is due to my thrush.