7 y
My Tongue Improvement
I've been tracking my tongue according to CTM.
When I started, I had candida (the coating on my tongue). At this point, I still was eating too much fat, from nuts, and still had many non-raw fatty treats at least every 2 days.
My tongue was purple. I was fighting infections and inflammation. There was still issues my body was dealing with. I actually don't know what the cracks mean, except that they probably show stomach problems (which I had).
Today, is a big difference! The cracks and fur are mostly gone! However, it is a pale pink, meaning low energy.
This actually gives me even more hope! I feel better than I have in my whole 30's, and often better than I have my whole life. So by the time my tongue is a nice pink, I will feel INCREDIBLE!
I lived in the orient for 3 years. I was fascinated how everyone looked 10 to 20 years younger than westerners. Plus no one was using anti-perspirant.
They also rarely had bad breath. And most ladies had beautiful legs! Even the 60 year olds! It also fascinated me how flexible they were. I saw many older ladies doing the splits! Anywho, they're definitely doing so much right!