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Raw food benefits
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Raw food benefits

I was always what people would consider a healthy eater. I ate 7-10 fruits and veggies a day.
That was good.

But I also ate 3-4 animal products a day. I had porridge, brown rice and whole grain bread.

Sounds good? Well, I was lacking.

During the worst of my chronic fatigue, everything I ate besides raw fruits and veggies, hurt my stomach and made me even more constipated.

So I started doing research if I could live on just the raw stuff. And I learned, not only would I be healthier, undo my health problems, but also have more energy, look younger and more attractive.

As well as- I would never have to think about my weight again.

Raw fruit and veggies are alive! They are ripening, gaining Sugar and nutrition. They have captured energy from the sun, transferring that energy to you.

Nuts and seeds, beans, quinoa- soaked over night, actually starts growing roots and become little plants. You are eating living food.

Everyone knows that plants are good for you, but they don't believe we can get all our nutrition from them.

There is a difference between living and cooked food.

When you eat raw food, you are literally eating the life that is making plants grow and prosper.

It's vitamins, minerals and biological water, and DNA, becomes part of your body. Cooked food and animal products are not only lacking in these things, but they carry with them toxins from their unnatural lives.

These toxins build-up and make you age. Cooking almost anything that has some sort of sugar, turns into the toxin acrylamide.

This toxin is everywhere in a typical diet. The raw food diet eliminates these toxins from building up. Our bodies have enough burden from our poisoned environment.

Raw living foods, not only increase our oxygen and alkalinity, but detoxify the body.

It's helpful to start by writing down everything you eat. Calculate what percentage you eat of raw fruits, veggies, soaked nuts and seeds, compared to the rest of your diet.

Let's say you are 50% raw. I think that's actually pretty good. Many people hardly eat anything raw.

So make it your goal to increase that percentage every day. If you do too much, you will be burdened with too many detox symptoms.

I did very well, about 95-98% raw. My skin improved along with my energy, chronic fatigue and rosacea.

But after more than a year, I still had a few problems. My immune system was so much better, but I still caught more colds and the stomach flu than an average person.

And I still had recurring sinus infections and my tongue was still covered in white stuff, called thrush. This is actually candida.

So I started researching. There is all kinds of information on candida, but these are my conclusions.

Candida is not our enemy. It's a vital part of our immune system. We all have candida in our system. It's supposed to be there.

But when we take in more sugar, fruit or confection sugar, then our body can use, candida blooms.
They are like every other animal. They will only have babies if they have a good home and food. When there is not enough food, they don't procreate, they don't bloom.

But you have probably heard of raw food people who get most of their calories from fruit.
How come their candida doesn't grow like crazy?

The answer is fat.

Many raw food people eat huge amounts of fat from nuts and seeds, avocados and coconuts. These are good for you but in a limited quantity.

Monkeys eat mostly fruit, some greens, and small amount of nuts and seeds in season. They are not always available to them and they go without. Also, some are hard to open.

But it shows that a small amount of nuts and seeds is much better.

The problem with too much fat in your blood, is the Sugar receptor sites are covered in fat. If the fat wasn't there, you could easily eat 5 bananas and get pure energy from them, and no candida bloom.

But because the fat is blocking you from absorbing that sugar, candida has a feast, and lots and lots of babies.

A candida bloom should only last for hours, maximum a couple days.

If you are fighting candida, thrush, and yeast infections, it's because you need to lower how much fat you are eating every day.

My first lifestyle change was green veggie juicing. If you start juicing fruits, you may not be able to use all the sugar, and you'll have candida problems.

You may be eating large amounts of fat from meat, dairy, chocolate and this is a problem.

I use a little Japanese cup. I put in 10 nuts, 5 prunes, and then a small handful of seeds.

I have available walnuts, almonds, filberts and I rotate them. And for seeds, which I also rotate, I have sunflower, and pumpkin. And then I fill the cup up to 3/4 with poppy and flax seeds.

I soak them overnight with non-chlorine, non-fluoride water.

We need them to soak so they start turning into little plants. This means their enzyme inhibitors are turned off. And we benefit greatly from them starting their growing process.

And I find that to be just right for me. The prunes make the water sweet and therefore the nuts taste good.

It's also important that we eat what we crave. So do your own shopping, and buy what you fancy. Your body is talking to you about what it needs, so listen!

So this is what I ate today:

I drink out of large 12oz. cups. I had a cup of warm water with a full lime. I drank a couple cups of chocolate mint tea. I add stevia for flavour.

Why do I drink so much water in the morning?

It's because I dry fast after 4pm. That means no food or water. So I need a good flush of water to clean out.

I ate a baby watermelon- that's several servings.

Then a wee bit later, I'll eat my nuts and seeds. As a snack, I'll have a whole bowl of cherries.
My stomach holds about 20oz. So chewed up, 20oz of cherries, is a big bowl!

Lunch- I'll have loads of veggies like cucumber, red pepper, and kohlrabi wrapped in seaweed. And I dip it in wasabi and soy sauce.

If I didn't have my nuts and seeds, I'd add avocado.

I use different non-raw condiments for flavour as a dip for my veggies, depending on what I crave. I'll have warm pasta sauce (no meat), pizza sauce, horseradish, mustard, hoisin sauce, salsa...anything I crave.

Remember, I'm about 95-99% raw. I am very happy with my results, even though I'm not 100%.

For a snack or dessert, I melt dark, non-sugar chocolate in a sauce pan, add soaked quinoa from the night before, and add banana, sometimes pineapple.

It's so yummy!

Then for supper around 4, I make my veggie juice. I take a head of green- spinach, kale or Swiss chard. I rotate these greens. I may add a herb, like parsley, mint, basil or cilantro. Every juice, I add 1/2 an English cucumber, and a couple sticks of celery.

I add a purple- beets or purple cabbage. I then I add my 60 minerals and some probiotics, and drink up. My tummy holds about 20 oz.

Your shock is probably over seeing purple or green poo. This is because there's so many bio-flavins in the raw food and it will show up in your poo.

So try to add all this nutrition into your meals.

If you are still hungry, go ahead and eat what you regularly eat. But make it your goal to eat less than half of your regular meal.

Remember, the above diet is keeping hundreds of raw food people alive and super healthy. Whatever you eat outside of the raw diet, it is not only, not necessary but actually putting a burden on your body.

Use the foods you crave as treats.

Get the best quality meat you can afford if you're still eating it. Remember, meat should smell nice without any garlic or sauce or anything. Otherwise, it is loaded with toxins. Slow down your meat consumption to once a day, preferably lunch instead of supper so your digestion has more time to break it down.

Try drop cheese and grains like bread. Keep them only as treats every few days. The longer you avoid them, the quicker your colon will start to work properly.

I know cheese is VERY hard to give up. It has a chemical in it that's addictive. That's why baby animals keep going back for milk because they are addicted to the substance.

Pay attention to your bowl movements.

Remember the goal is to empty the entire length of your colon, 4-6 feet every morning. Then likely, you'll 'go' at least one more time.

It would be great to go to bed with no food in your colon. I'm personally not there yet, so I don't have experience in that.

Sounds crazy but raw food makes your poo the perfect consistency, like toothpaste. It is soft and your colon will squish it all out in one piece.

And you too, will be able to see the 2 corners of where your colon bends.

By now, your colonics will be cleaning out most nooks and crannies in your colon. Your colon will become more toned, and strong enough to empty it's whole length.

But because you'll be dropping bread and cheese, the two most sticky and constipating foods, your bowel will love you for it.

So you already are green juicing. Try have one raw meal a day; breakfast is the easiest.

Then change your snacks to raw. Then do a full raw day, then 2 in a row. And just keep increasing how many in a row you can do.

What's interesting about this procedure, is your body will start reacting to the non-raw foods. Suddenly you may bloat and start farting like crazy when you eat cheese, or you may be constipated after bread.

Just listen to your body, what digests super well, what makes you feel sluggish.

Pay attention to your face!

If it's puffy in the morning, your lymph is stagnating. That means you didn't detox as fully as you should have. There were just too many toxins from the previous night, and that won't make you healthy, young and gorgeous.

Continue reading anything you can on the raw food diet. Every story, experience, and advice has validity. We can learn from everyone, and take what advice we think makes sense; stuff that doesn't -perhaps do more research.

And experiment, experiment and even more experiments, on what works for your body.

I looked into the Blood Type Diet .

This diet encourages many people to eat animal products, which I obviously don't do.
But you can still learn so much!

I am blood type AB, and this diet described every problem my blood type has.

When I read in detail what was wrong with me, I finally felt like there was something to this. They wouldn't otherwise know that there are heart problems, and weak stomach acid in my family's genes.

What they tell you, you shouldn't eat for your blood type, is extremely interesting.

Apparently when I eat gluten, I can't digest it at all. And corn products turn to Sugar too quickly for my body to keep up with.

This information gave me incentive to stay away from these things, even as occasional treats.

This information also shows that not everyone is the same. Likely we do have different nutritional needs, due to our DNA and imperfections.

Because I have low stomach acid, it means I need to eat more sour foods like limes and sour cabbage to help me digest foods. Also with low stomach acid, if I eat prepared meat, with it's sulphates and sulphites, I am more prone to stomach cancer.

You have to learn and experiment to find out what your weaknesses are, so you can really support your body.

The last thing about the raw food diet: I just wanted to point out what I did wrong.

I wasn't on the 60 minerals. I kept having cravings, so I could never go past a couple days on raw.

But since I've been supplementing, and I have even more minerals in my system, I'm easily 99% raw for a couple of weeks or so.

Many 100% raw people may not take the minerals, but the difference for them could be that they can afford mostly organic.

I can't. I'm just starting to be able to get all the produce I need, and it's not organic. But I'm working on it.

Up in Canada, our food travels many days to get to us. Regular food is expensive, never mind organic.

One more thing on minerals is:
On the raw food diet, my PH would always get up to 7.0 and then go back down. It would go up, then back down. But it would never consistently stay at 7.0.

When I started supplementing with the minerals, that's the first time I hit 7.2!

So far, I'm still in detox, so I'm not regularly at 7.2. But without those minerals, I would have never hit it.

One tip to save money on produce is to find the wholesaler in your city- a produce wholesaler. Then, share your food.

I pick up 60 apples for $5. I started a club of 10 families who come to my house on Mondays.

When I leave the produce place, my car is completely full of boxes of food. In the end, I spend about $35 and have all the food I need for my husband and I.

And remember, I'm eating 20 servings a day. And now my husband is up to 10 or 11 servings.
So that's ALOT of food.

Buying a big box of 60 apples for $5 goes a LONG way! I hope you can find your supplier.
It's really working for us. I feel so rich when I get to bring home SO much food.

You still may be hesitant about going on the raw food diet, or at least going high raw. There's things that I think are very amazing about the raw food diet and how it affects your health.

Firstly, is the connection between sleep and raw food.

At the beginning, if you're still eating a lot of treats, still eating a lot of meat, your sleep is not going to be affected.

But I found after a few months of very high raw, my sleep went down from 8 or 9 hours, down to 6 hours.

I thought that was pretty amazing. Then I started seeing a connection.

When I had my treats, I would go back up to 8 or 9 hours. When I was 99% raw for the day, I needed such little sleep. And then I'd have a treat day, my sleep would go up.

What's happening in your sleep, if you have meat or cheese or bread in your colon?

Why do you need so much more sleep? There's a connection here.

Obviously, if your colon only has raw fruits and vegetables, the detox of the night doesn't take as long, so you wake up a lot sooner.

I really understand how people who are on the raw food diet a really long time, only sleep for 4 hours. They have passed their detox. At night, their bodies aren't doing anything with that food. It's already digested, and just needs to be passed.

That's my first connection.

The other connection I think is amazing is: why people's faces get younger.

There's no reason on any other diet, for anybody to look younger. They may lose fat on their face and actually look older.

But on the raw food diet, people actually look younger!

You can find all kinds of people on the internet that look 10, 20 years younger just because they're on the raw food diet.

A younger face means all your organs are so much younger. There's no other reason.

On the raw food diet, I never think about food. My cells are so stuffed with nutrition all the time.

And you look younger, and younger, and younger. It seems impossible, but it's true.

Like we said before, we are 50% the same DNA as a banana. A banana digests so quickly in our body.

It's alive! It just continues being alive somewhere else. It's pieces are alive in our body. It's DNA just gets longer because it becomes human DNA.

Because we can easily digest this food, we waste very little energy. That energy becomes ours.

We know that when people eat pizza, they become so tired after. Well, what's happening in the body?
You're wasting energy on digestion.

When people eat pizza, and then pass out on the couch, they remind me of anacondas. You know, when an anaconda eats a deer, all they want to do is go find someplace to hide and sleep.

That's what it's like when people eat massive amounts of animal protein. All they can do is sleep. They have energy for nothing else.

I once saw a documentary, on this guy who was hunting anacondas.
He found one that had a whole deer inside him.

This guy was pulling him by the tail, pulled him out of his little cave. The anaconda was trying so hard to slowly get away.

An anaconda!

He was so tired. He had a deer inside him. The last thing he wanted to do was bite back. He just wanted to get away.

That's kind of what eating pizza does to us. It might taste good at the beginning, but then just makes us SO tired.

That's another thing that changes. When you get sugar and salt out of your diet, when you do have it:
it tastes SO sweet or SO salty!

It's almost sickening. Eventually our taste changes anyways.

So the raw food diet is completely different. As soon as you eat raw, you get this amazing rush of energy.

You look younger, you have energy that you can spend on life, instead of digesting food, and you sleep rock solid- and it's half the time as a regular person.

There's got to be a connection here.

I had a treat of a little bit of pork. It made me SO sick!

I had a treat of pizza. It made me SO sick!

And then I thought, maybe BBQ beef- it's not as bad as pork? I tried some. It made me SO sick!

My body is saying, "No, no,'s poison."


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