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Herbal question, elimination of mercury-happy bacteria
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Published: 8 y

Herbal question, elimination of mercury-happy bacteria

I've been trying for some time to find the article in which I found reference to a herb which is gold against the infections that release high amounts of oxidative species in the presence of heavy metals.

It was a quite good article collecting information from Klinghardt and at least two other alternative-medicine educated specialsts- one herbalist who I can't remember the name of currently.

Anyways, the herb mentioned was a chinese herb which helps eradicate the infection (the sort that lives up in the jawbone after amalgam installation).

The article explains that such bacterium, even though fungal-type organisims are known to survive only at temperatures below the normal body temp, are still perfectly capable of suviving as extremophiles in places where the minerals they thrive on exist-

aka, that they move many of the heavy metals such as mercury out to their cell walls where white blood cells, the main fighters in the body, are burst by the toxicity of the minerals put up as the infections' first defense.

Perhaps some of you could help me find that article or poit out which herbs in TCM are best at destroying that type of infection?

Been struggling with two focal-point dental infections which release a lot of trash up into the facial bloodstream. Colloidal silver as a mouthrinse has been helping, but diabetes has been complicating the issue by feeding the infection from the bloodstream.

My nights are full of prayer, I tell you, LOTS of prayer 'cuz this is the pittski.

13 amalgams removed 2014, 20 years of insulin-dependant diabetes directly after first fillings, removal has taken away a lot of spiritual and emotional blocks to growth, but still hard-put on the next step.

Parasite cleanse...? Hulda Clark pushes to chelate before de-parasiting. Others report chelating erradicated difficult infections for them.

TL;DR: person looking for herbal pointers after amalgam removal to lighten the load to fascilitate parasite cleansing. Asking for a bit of christian prayer if you don't know herbs anyways.

BTW, I do know and use chlorella, parsley, ashgwanda, rhodiola, skulcap, chamomile, borax, wormwood, nettle, dandylion, cinnamon and clove. Zinc, glutathione, C, and mineral supplementation is helping some,
Rife /hasn't/ turned out to be my treatment of choice since I 'ent happy to deal with a medium (spiritualist) to guarantee the right frequencies.


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