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Re: coming off the cleanse
mauigirl Views: 955
Published: 20 y
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Re: coming off the cleanse


I'm in the process of coming off after doing 14 days on the MC. I drank fresh squeezed OJ yesterday and all morning. The only difference I notice is I am having fuller bowel movements. My energy is fine and I don't feel different than when doing the lemon drinks. The one thing is OJ is at it's best when freshly squeezed so if that is difficult with working you may want to wait.

Have you thought about doing a Liver Flush to follow all your hard work? I will be doing the a Liver Flush tonite which I highly recommend doing after cleansing as long as you did. This would require waiting until the weekend or you could just eat lightly until then. Of course you must know it's advisable to eat lightly after fasting anyway. If you need info. about Liver Flushing there is a link on this site with a great deal of info. Since starting the flushes my body has gone through improved changes with digestion. In addition to the Master-Cleanse cleanses I can't speak highly enough about how great these flushes work! This will be my 7th one and they get easier as you do a few of them.

Good Luck!


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