Does anybody, men or women have any experience with the pro-extender? This device was originally designed for penis curvature manipulation for which I purchased it though used by far for the public for lengthening/girth goals. I have used it for 3 weeks and have seen significant change...some unneeded though exceptable. Wife has said the same. I have used supplementation of my own design. Curvature was never severe as in Pyronies or complaint, but something I have wanted to change for decades. When my wife said I could, I jumped at it. She had some concerns but got over them quickly. Questions: Spouse/partner acceptance? discomfort? length of time used daily, weeks months and results over time especially curvature? I have worked charitably as a certfied holistic health practitioner since 2004 for thousands. I will use this info to help others. Keeping it real and professional. Thank You and Blessings!