Last month I completed my first 12 day MC. I was VERY skeptical and nervous about the cleanse. I did a lot of research trying to find negative information, dangers,and reasons to NOT do the MC. I couldn't find any. My biggest concern was that I suffer from migraines when I don't eat enough or if I eat improperly. Basically they are hypoglycemic migraines, although I'm not hypoglycemic at other times. Not only did I not get a migraine at all during the cleanse, I haven't had one since. And I've had a couple BAD food days where I was sure I would get one. I've even had caffiene a few times which usually contributes to my migraines and had no problem. My mother still can't get over how much 'better' I look, although she is not sure what it is exactly. I've kept off 5 of the 10lbs I lost(6 weeks out), but I just look like I've lost more weight than that. My face & neck are not as 'puffy.' I'm 5'6 and weigh 138. I dropped one full size during the cleanse,am way more motivated to eat well, exercise more and can't wait to do another longer cleanse. This IS the real deal. If you follow the book to a "T" and make a healthy living plan for when you come off the MC, it will change your life. You have to do it to understand! Hope this gives you some food for thought....