Rainy and Refreshed, while doing a foot soak, I decided to watch this video by Kat Kerr. I noted the highlights and added a little commentary as I went along for you:
Very soon into the video Kat Kerr says that we've been there forever and ever (talking about living in God).
That sounds like forever Rainy, no?
Before God created the earth we are now in, he practiced first.
Wow, that's blasphemy!
When she went to heaven, she got to see the creation lab...
In between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 are millions of years.
Refreshed, better consult Kent Hovind on that one! Or better yet, the bible.
There was a huge bubble around the original earth, and 200 foot trees, and 20 foot flowers, with blooms the size of a three story house.
I'll give it to her that's she's got a great imagination. lol
And another bubble appeared over the earth bubble. I wonder if God likes to blow bubbles? Okay, bad joke! lol
Just me talking: There are these demonic sounding whispering voices coming through the music. I don't know if everyone will be able to hear them. I've got good headphones on, so I can. I once had what I think was a demonic experience with music like this. It was a very long time ago but I still remember it like it was yesterday because it bothered me so bad. So this is very uncomfortable to listen to.
The video has pretty scenery though.
Kat says some of the original dinosaurs were as big as skyscrapers. There was no sun, it was strange. The dinosaurs were friendly. They didn't eat each other.
She heard a lightning bolt and it was Lucifer getting kicked out of heaven. He wanted to exalt himself above God, saying he is just like the most high.
He was probably going around smiling, saying "I AM", kind of like the people in the NAR, except she didn't say that part. :)
She says Satan desired to be worshipped, as the demonic sounding voices are returning back to the music. I think they want to be worshipped. :(
Keep in mind too this is suppose to be some kind of "soaking session", you know that practice you both used to speak against not so many moons ago, but probably not so much anymore. So we are supposed to be emptying our minds as we are listening to this, as she fills our heads with all this "new revelation". But I'm going to keep my mind on guard, just to let you know, and pray for protection from these demon sounding things in the video. I suggest you do the same if you decide to listen to the video.
Kat's now talking about Lucifer bringing destruction to the earth. The dinosaurs are eating one another, and other stuff like that.
God sends what's called a "water vapor shield" to flood the original earth, and then with one breath, God freezes the earth. Lucifer is sitting on an ice ball now, and he is very ticked off. And this confirms the scientists' theory that the ice age had to happen simultaneously. Hmmm, ask Kent Hovind or Ken Ham about that one too.
After a very long time, God defrosts the earth and in comes Genesis 1:2 where the earth is without form and void, and then God starts putting everything back. He creates man and woman, who were formerly little happy spirit beings running around in God, playing on the gems in God, etc. and sends them to earth where Lucifer is waiting for them in the garden. And Lucifer says to himself, "If I didn't' get them on the inside (of God), I'll get them on the outside."
Now she says we are going to DECLARE some things.
This is a good time to start thinking that word DECLARE is demon possessed again, right Refreshed? The whispering demon voices might confirm it. :)
Kat says, "The power of life and death is in her tongue."
The NAR/Word of Faith have been twisting that verse about that for who knows how long with such enormous success of deception.
She's repenting now of all her death words.
How about some repentance of all her blatant deception and lies?
She's now renouncing all association with the enemy.
Somehow I'm not buying that.
She's going to carry God's glory, like the waters cover the sea.
I'm not buying that one either.
Some people have the super-charged anointing of God and get set on fire like a dynamo, and explosions will happen inside of them. Those people will be able to stop an earthquake and make it go back. Where's that Gloria Copeland video again, where she says she can do that too? Gloria says she can control the weather, but then says she won't fly in bad weather. lol
Now she's yelling, showing those super-charged how to do it, "STOP! PUT IT BACK!" (demonstrating how to stop an earthquake) And then she goes on to say that these are the kinds of miracles the super-charged will be doing, and they are greater works than Christ did!
But somehow these people are never around when the earthquakes, etc. do actually hit.
Because of all the love of God in us, we won't care about denominations anymore, she says. (Except for the ones with calvinists in them, murder them! lol )
Now she's talking about some kind of Joel 2 fire that's going to come down. I think she's talking about the "Army of Locusts" which we had a big debate over one time.
The Joel 2 fire is going to be what makes the church spotless and wrinkleless, she says.
Hmmmm, I thought that was the blood of Christ that did that. Major blasphemy again!
The fire is what's going to change us, she says.
Not the gospel. I'm telling you, these people just don't know what they are talking about with all the fire stuff. Yeah, fire is certainly coming, and it will certainly bring change. Just not sure it's the kind of change they are looking for. :(
Kat Kerr is a premillennialist, she's talking about that now. You can agree with her on that Refreshed. :)
But we are going to take authority and show the devil what's up. Those weren't her exact words but close. :) I hear some clapping.
She says there is so much evil in the world because we are not taking authority like we should be. We're just sitting here watching it happen.
The angels are being trained for the coming battle. They don't stop talking about it when Kat is in heaven. They are going to empty the body parts warehouse. Whatever that means? Oh, it's something about healing all our infirmities so we will be strong for battle.
Forget about what Paul said, "when I am weak, then I am strong." She didn't say that, but I'm just sayin.
We will be transported through the spirit realm. After we have done signs and wonders in various places, we will be zapped back where we came from. No need for passports or going through long lines at the airport. No damaged luggage either.
Cause you know that's really important when you are zapping from place to place through the spirit realm, that your luggage not be damaged. lol
The luggage guy she ran into recently at the airport needs Jesus cause he was not doing his job very well. lol
God's going to increase new revelations to us in these last days. He wants to give these new revelations to you, do you want them? If you really do want them, and will plead, he will download them into you.
We're computers now I guess. lol
She wanted lots of FIRE she says, she wanted it on her, in her, going out from her, and she wouldn't shut up about it, so she got it.
She got it so much, that they locked her in the church as her body vibrated all night with fire all over it. And so she got to go back in time and see Christ rise from the dead.
Who needs the "Back to the Future" mobile? :)
She ends by saying she'll be right back to answer any questions.
There's more where that came from, if anyone wants more special revelations from Kat Kerr.
But I pray that all will run from this woman! And read the bible instead!