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DAY 13 observations

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

Cleanse the Liver in 9 Days
Feel great again!

mauigirl Views: 961
Published: 20 y

DAY 13 observations


Today is the 13th day of my Master-Cleanse with no plan for how long I will continue. Originally I thought about doing a full 40 but I'm listening to my body or waiting until my tongue turns pink.

I have lost 12 lbs. and can see a change in how my clothes are fitting. My double chin is gone! I am only about 20 lbs. overweight and didn't entirely do this fast for weight loss this is a bonus.

The last 2 days I've had some pain in my liver. Previous to this cleanse I've been doing a series of Liver Flushes 6 to date. I am wondering if anyone else has experienced liver pain while on the MC? I am not worried as I know my body is just cleaning out all the abuse I put my body through as an avid partier.

Despite my having fasted countless times before it still requires self discipline. I went to a festival yesterday where the smell of food was everywhere. It was interesting to observe what people were eating. I particularly noticed the obese folks in the crowd and was making a connection between how the food they've abused created their body to be the way it is. In this altered state other people's health becomes more apparent. We are responsible for the body we are walking around with.

I know change is difficult but once we make up our minds we can literally do anything! Thanks for listening to me and sharing your support. I come onto this post almost daily because it helps me to keep going.



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