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Re: EDITED For All Eternity! Jesus is the eternal sabbath.
vektek Views: 682
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Re: EDITED For All Eternity! Jesus is the eternal sabbath.

Okay Refreshed, because I am somewhat psycho I'm sure, I decided to do a search on the "C" term just to see how psycho I've really been in my guessing of why you were calling it "C". And I have to say, your take on this:

"I even thought the "C" word was our new joke about our old hurts that we had worked through and apparently I was wrong for thinking we had both worked through this."

Leaves me thinking I'm the more sane one on this issue.

I believe this is the first time you used the "C" term, and it makes sense this was the first time because you clarified that it doesn't mean "cancer". lol


That was over a year ago.
And you can tell I didn't really have a great hee haw over it, or that there wasn't a "working through of our old hurts" with it because I disappeared out of the conversation after that and was gone for quite a while. It was a hard time in my personal life I remember and I wasn't in a real good mood at that time. So I remember thinking if I don't get out of here, I'm going to say something bad in response about you being an Arminian, call it "A" and then clarify that I don't mean "a**hole". lol

The next time you used the "C" term, you posted the Calvinist song, which is fine, that's funny, but you titled your post "I'm not going to say the "C" word" which is where I started to get the idea I think that you considered Calvinism a dirty word in a sense and were trying to spare me and you both even though the song said it plenty :):


The next time I believe you used the "C" term was in this post, where you admit this:

"One can not properly debate these things calmly because the debate between calvinist and arminian are truly the barriers that squelch everything else."

Which was just another confirmation of countless that you have a gigantic problem with Calvinism as I told Loquat. I see no joking or burying all the old hurts with any of these uses of "C" that you said it was all about.


In this post, I am going along with the "C". I'm easy with this stuff. I really don't care. Your using of "C" to replace saying Calvinism was fine with me, but when you try to tell me that I've been taking all this the wrong way, when I clearly haven't been, does bug me, I have to admit:


Then there is this section of posts where Rainy posts a series of Arminian vs. Calvinism debates and then some other anti-calvinism videos, and you write in to let her know she's really helping you by posting all these videos. But I'm still supposed to be thinking this is all friendly joking and we are burying old hurts with this new great "C" term I guess:


So how's that for some research? lol You can do your own if you like. :)

Look, just admit it. You hate calvinism. And you've made it a huge issue over the years. And that's fine. I can handle that. It's no big deal to me. But I really don't like being made out to be mean or that I'm "misrepresenting you" because I told Loquat how it is. I've always known how you felt about Calvinism since we started these debates so many years ago, and I've seen over and over how you've used that against me. But despite all that, we have still been friends and cared for each other all these years. So it's okay. But just don't make me feel like a psycho over expressing what I've clearly seen. I may be a psycho in other ways. I'm a psycho I'm sure for staying up too late and digging into old posts trying to find the "C" term so I can prove I'm right. lol But I think my assessment of what's gone on over the years was actually pretty sane. And again, it was not meant to hurt or slam you. You said you were surprised at what I said to Loquat. I was surprised that you seemed to be so hurt by it, since I thought we both would agree Calvinism has been a huge issue between us and still is. Can we just admit that?


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