So I'm back at it again knocking down doors at dermatologist and immunologist. in the hope with new treatments like dupilumab might possibly work with it due to be fda approved in march and hopefully available by april/may..
a dermatologist i have spoke to has suggested possibly trying Omalizumab the reasoning behind this is because they believe there is a possibility it could be a allergic condition.. my ige levels are high and my blood results show high levels of something which is connected with atopic condition. asthma runs in my family chronically so they believe this is worth a try. Apparently its also successful with eczema/dermatitis so I'm definitely willing to consider it. Also cyclosporine was mentioned since i stated that a handful of people have had success with immunosuppressants although she did state just because imuran didn't work for me doesn't mean cyclosporine won't work which i already suspected. have another appointment mid month so will take it from there but if you haven't seen a good dermatologist in a while like me its time to start again. just do your research on the dermatologist spend the time reviewing reviews from other patients and find a good one. this particular dermatologist was amazing and knew straight up about ec and knew it was very serious and difficult to treat. Was wonderful to speak to a quality dermatologist instead of the usual bad ones!
whats everybody's thoughts onOmalizumab and cyclosporine! thanksss