First, I had sever abdominal pain and bloating for a week. Then diarrhea for two weeks with mucus and oil. Diarrhea is done, but poop maintians the same weird smell? Poop contains tonnes of these tiny kiwi hair like things. 4 month old daughter has had diarreah for 3 weeks now, once with blood, and I once saw these kiwi hairs in her diaper too, on her anus, but they were white. Problem is parsote stool test came back negative, but I can see them!! We had a mice infestation a month ago, also ate sushi around this time..sso those are the possible causes. A family friend also seems to have contracted this from me. I also had a requisition for an abdominal ultrasound. Should I go get one? Any idea what this is??? Sorry, this is gross, but the picture is not after wiping a bowl movement. It's from wiping inside with a finger between bowl movements. After a bowl movement there is a tonne of them, like hundreds, I just didn't have the payientce to wait for a bowl movemt to take a picture. Thanks for any insight. I will upload a better picture later. //