"Nothing is wrong with figurative. But it's still is based in some kind of truth, or it would not be used figuratively. Of course I'm just talking about the bible here. I would not go as far as to say any writings by anyone would be so.
I just want to point out that bringing figurative writing up should not diminish the meaning of understanding the bible literally.
Really people...I'm not mad or cranky today. I'm just disagreeing on a debate forum. :) :) :) :) :)...standing on my head and :) :) :) :) :)...lol"
But who ever said that saying some of the language in the bible is figurative means that it's not based on some kind of truth? Of course it is!
You may not be cranky or mad, but you're up way past your bedtime. And just going by my own experiences, being up past my bedtime can make me cranky and mad. lol