I was picking up my vitamin supply the other day and noticed horny goat weed, you know, good for powerful erections and such. Don't need any help there but I was curious...just how hard does a guy's cock need to be? Could it be any harder? Bought it, priced well, so I took two pills that night while my wife was with friends. Yes, it works. Got hard and stiff quickly and couldn't really get soft until I thought of pictures of HIllary. That did it but still I was hard so I spank the monkeyd to see what horny goat weed did to that sensation. Didn't like it when I came. I felt too much the cum from my ballsack through my cock and out my head. Not really a good feeling. Needless to say, I won't be experimenting with horny goat weed again. Anybody need a near full bottle?