Dentist advised to me to start using Flouride toothpaste again.
12 years ago I had
root canal treatment on LR6 and LR7.
LR6 started to smell when I touched the gum around that tooth and later developed an Abscess.
I had LR6 extracted last September and both of the roots drilled out.
I still have the gap and want to leave it that way as I do not want anything foreign put in it's place like a titanium screw.
I have been Coconut Oil pulling since September and making my own Toothpaste since November because I did not want to use Flouride or Glycerin.
I just visited my Mother in another part of the UK and decided for the first time to see the Dentist she used to ask him about LR7 because the gum around that tooth smells when touched.
There is no pain.
I do not want to lose this tooth and want to try and save it but get rid of the smell. (daily use of
Bentonite clay and Oregano oil helps but it always comes back).
He took an X-Ray which showed O/E LR7 metal crown and LR8 slightly mesio-angular impacted against LR7. (I can just get dental tape between the teeth but not far down as the gum is in the way)
There is a 6mm periodontal pocket with bleeding on probing between LR7 and LR8.
Mesial caries developing under mesial crown ledge LR7.
I need to find a good Hygienist that can do a deep scaling and good Dentist that can repair LR7 mesial or crown replacement in this area of the UK.
My current Dentist will want to pull it out and the Hygienist is as useful as a chocolate Tea Pot compared to the one I used to see regularly where I used to live.
The Dentist asked me what Toothpaste I use, I told him
Bentonite Clay with, Diatomaceous Earth, Coconut Oil and Baking Soda.
He advised me to use a Flouride Toothpaste and gave me a sample tube containing 1450 PPM.
He said Flouride Toothpaste is needed to prevent dental caries.