Re: Why Do I need so much Iodide?
potassium and sodium must be in balance.
my method is thus: eat sodium chloride like a pig as long as it tastes good(salt food to taste). take enough potassium chloride to keep the urine flowing and swollen tissues down.
everyone is different regarding salt balance. the key is, once again, taking enough.
how safe is salt to play with? well, you get dehydrated and enter a hospital with illness, the first thing they do is put a bag of salt water into your veins. lol as much as 20 grams can be delivered this way in 24 hours. it would be hard to take too much salt by mouth, dont you think?
also, maybe the difference between you and your husband is that he eats more sodium? the more of either one you take, the more you need the other.
what i am not sure of yet is a general rule of thumb like saying 2 parts potassium to one part sodium. i split the salt 50/50 in my water. i put a half teaspoon of each per gallon and then magnetize it. talk about the hangover cure! that water is magic in its ability to hydrate.