It seems that .org and .com are the same in format? As far as what I see on my screen, I can find the forums that I frequent much easier on .info because they are at the top of the page, than having to scroll all the way down a long list of forums looking for it. However there does not seem to be an in-house search engine working on .info. Getting to the forums seems to take too many steps if you flip from forum to forum, but that's only some of the time. Other times it seems smooth sailing. I was hoping that if I was signed in that a cookie would help my computer remember that I opted for one thing or another, but that does not seem to be the case..or at least not every time. Maybe there is a glitch in how one backs out of one forum to another? I even considered that some forums may have someone who moderates them, and they have the forum set up differently than others...I'm just guessing, because what I see is not the same every time.