Microbot engineered parasites are being sprayed in our atmosphere thru Chemtrails. They stick to our clothing or hair and that's all it takes. They reproduce a hard shelled white very destructive white larvae into a crazy looking fly. I think there are more than one type. They live in my upper intestine under my ribs. They are killing me... I have Lyme compromised immune system. Ty for engineering that as well Nazi's NWO deportation agenda 21/Patriot act Obama sell out fux. They are so stupid they are even killing themselves and their loved ones. Of course referring only to the Sheeple. Everyone else that has an in is protected from all of this somehow. We need that genius scientist to engineer a bots to kill the nasty cocktails they made for us. MMS colonics gets them out after hours of bathroom time on a large scale weekly, sometimes daily. My back aches so bad I could cry. If you take MMS you've got to be committed and somehow take breaks to regular your body with minerals cause it eats them but I can't say enough to about MMS. It cures everything if you've got the strength to do it. I would have been dead a long time ago without it. Jim Humble is my hero. So these little white bots are in the rest of my body as well.. and they come back full force overnight. I'm not going to make it... Can't work... Can't afford decent food or remedies. I can't sleep.. Sure I have Morgellongs as well. This is pandemic. Public toilets are full of visible eggs that stick to the bowl. Doctors are again told by the a**holes who run this world to diagnose everyone as having delusional parasitosis. KARMA.... the only hope I have left... and not crossing over when the time does come so I can give them a taste of their own medicine... Call me crazy.. Don't call me at all how 'bout. Seems I've been enlightened... Things in this world are not what ya'll thought.