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Re: My theory and plan to cure ec
Cottonmouth Views: 930
Published: 9 y
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Re: My theory and plan to cure ec

I can relate to ECaccutane. I'm also very introverted and ever since I got ec, my social anxiety became even worse. I suffered from Depression and stress even before I got ec and could be the reason I bit my lips which caused my ec. I think it's a good idea to go to the gym and get in shape. You'll feel much better if you look in shape. It'll boost your confidence, trust me that's what I did. Your lips may be f***ed up but at least your body will look great and you won't be shy about it.
I also smoke weed to help with my Depression and stress. Tergot, you say you suffer from fatigue but also insomnia. I would recommend weed for insomnia. Would put you to sleep quickly. Some strains can fight fatigue and give you lots of energy. This is just my suggestion.


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