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Possible Morgellons Cure
Bugbuster Views: 968
Published: 9 y

Possible Morgellons Cure

NAC and Carnosine Cure Morgellons


Ok, so my boyfriend and I had Morgellons for more than 2 years... Balding, eyebrow hairs falling our, sores covering our faces, head, torsos; slime in our ears, our eyes, on hair shafts.


When we listened to THIS audio from Cliff Carnicom and Mark Kilcoyne (nutritionist) we decided to give this one


last protocol a chance -- having already spent THOUSANDS of dollars on supplements and treatments... Bentonite clay, Activated Charcoal, garlic, oil of


oregano, DSM, all manner of horse and dog (veterinary) dewormers, Sporanox (very deadly anti fungal), ketaconazole, Ivermectin, Colon cleanses, herbal "detoxes", Borax, Baking Soda, Bragg's Natural Vinegar, etc...


LISTEN to the audio... take time to TAKE NOTES. Listen OVER and OVER again .


Carnicom and Kilcoyne recommend NAC (n-acetyl cysteine, L-carnosine, and Vitamin C. Out of desperation, we tried this combo (they don't really tell you the dosages... we did some internet searches and came up with a "safe" dose, 4X per day protocol.


I SWEAR to you... within 2 weeks, ALL of our sores were healing, the slime in our bowels (bowel movements -- yuck!) and on our skin started to disappear. If you go to Carnicom's site and learn about the iron transfer problems that this organism causes, you will undesrtand WHY this protocol works. NAC is used routinely in hospitals to break up biofilms on pacemakers, catheters, stents... etc. Once you understand the mechanism (by taking COPIOUS NOTES, you will &


quot;get it." v=iBVCnNORC7c


Also, go to for more details.


I SWEAR, our Morgellons is HEALED,,,, Our eyebrows were falling out, we shaved our heads to get rid of the "fake" hair, our genitals were full of this crap, we had so much static we blew out light bulbs and computers if we walked in the same room, our skin looked like a network of "criss=crosses"; of course, in conjunction with the new supplements, you HAVE to cut out processed, GMO altered foods. You MUST eat like a caveman.


Clean up you bioterrain, give your body its necessary supplements, and watch this MANMADE bullish*t disappear from your life. I swear!!!

 Morgellons Protocol



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