Re: Chinese Facial Reading Analysis
I was hoping for more information. I'm not sure if this analysis is correct or not, but here it is.
"Your GI tract has been challenged for some time. You can mend your digestion and as you do so, you’ll watch your lips regain their normal tone, color and shape. I would guess that the hyperkeratosis will also mend, but that you’ll first see the other conditions improve first.
Eat freshly prepared foods that contain ample fat and protein and moderate carbohydrates three times a day.
Try the
Elimination Diet with The Paleo Approach by Dr. Sarah Ballantyne. An auto-immune paleo approach is the first step as it works for the majority of people.
Support digestion with HCL supplements, digestive bitters, fermented foods or probiotics.
Eat plenty of starchy foods (sweet potatoes, winter squash, bananas), adequate meat, poultry, fish, and quality fat.
Your system wants cooked, easy to digest foods. You’re not tolerating dairy, gluten; probably other grains as well as beans, nuts and seeds are also challenging your system.
The skin above your mouth is white reflecting a challenged digestive system.
The color above your upper lip in the cupid’s bow region is pink/red which indicates inflammation and acid reflux. With an elimination diet, you’ll be able to determine which foods are problematic.
Your top lip is pale and also larger than your bottom lip.
Lips that are uniform in size and with a uniform pink color (amongst Caucasians) reflect a healthy, well-functioning digestive system. While lips that are pale, whitish or even bluish in color may indicate anemia, it may also indicate a circulation problem or a “cold” or deficiency condition. When you consume too many packaged foods, cold or raw foods or chilled beverages, your upper lip looks frostbitten. Favor warm and freshly prepared foods.
Hyperkeratosis on your lower lip indicates small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.
Your lower lip border is fuzzy (versus having a clear, distinct definition) and puffy. This suggests leaky gut.
As you identify the ingredients that are causing malabsorption and eliminate them from your diet, then you can expect your lips to normalize. The most common problematic ingredients include: dairy, eggs, all grains, soy, nuts, seeds and beans. Some people even have to temporarily eliminate any food with a seed coat including culinary spices and herbs."