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High aelenium protocol: A formulation to treat many types of cancer.
nickname.abdulalim Views: 1,646
Published: 9 y

High aelenium protocol: A formulation to treat many types of cancer.

A formulation to treat many types of cancer
Hello. I found a cure for cancer (especially lymphoma, lung and bone cancers) and wrote the preparation and application procedure of the formulation below. Note that I DON’T SELL ANYTHING. Find the ingredients from any chemical sellers and prepare your formulation to heal cancer patients.
The preparation procedure of the citrate-zinc-selenium complex
• Into a 600 ml or 1000 ml beaker, add 350ml de Ionized Water and a magnetic stir bar.
• Put the beaker on a magnetic stirrer and run the stirring
• Add 117.64g trisodium citrate dihydrate (chelant) and wait until dissolution.
• Add 13.64g zinc chloride and wait until dissolution. You can crush particles using a glass stick in order to accelerate the dissolution.
• Add 2.78g selenium dioxide and wait until dissolution. You can crush particles using a glass stick in order to accelerate the dissolution.
• Adjust pH to 7.0-7.4 using 10M NaOH solution. Continue the stirring until dissolution of all the particles.
• Transfer the solution to a graduated cylinder or preferentially a volumetric flask and adjust the final volume to 500 ml using de Ionized Water .
• Sterilize the solution using a 0.2 m syringe filter and store at room temperature.
• The final concentrations of Trisodium citrate, ZnCl2 and SeO2 will be 800 mM, 200 mM and 50 mM respectively.
As you see, the ingredients are easily available from most of chemical sellers for almost no cost and the formulation can be prepared by anyone who knows working in a biology laboratory. You don’t need drug companies which sell chemotherapy drugs with thousands of side effects. Like open source projects such as Linux, I’m sharing the formulation with humanity for free and sending/will send the formulation to lots of people (scientists, activists, foundations, etc) all around the World.
Application and Treatment
For a 70kg adult patient, put the required dose (explained below) in a 100ml of sterile isotonic sodium chloride solution for infusion and apply the resulting solution via intravenous injection. Intravenous infusion will take about 30 minutes.
The required doses are: 1st day: 0.5ml in the morning + 0.75ml in the evening. 2nd day: 1ml in the morning + 1.5ml in the evening. 3rd day: 2ml in the morning + 2.5ml in the evening. Following days: Use normal dose which is 3ml in the morning and 3ml in the evening per day (6ml per day). The same doses can be applied for 60-80kg patients, or you can adjust the dose in proportional to the patient’s weight.
The treatment will stop most of the cancer related pains in 1-2 weeks and then treat the cancer slowly without any side effects. You can apply the formulation twice a day for months. Get blood tests every two weeks and consult your doctor. Depending on your other drugs and previous treatment, you may require adjust the doses, change drugs, etc.
• The formulation is appropriate for intravenous application. Don’t drink the solution. Otherwise, the nature of stomach will convert complexed selenium to selenous acid, which will probably make toxic effects at these high doses.
• You will see that the formulation is effective against especially lymphoma, lung and bone cancers. I don’t know its effectiveness about other cancers but I think it will treat many other cancers.
• The formulation is a gift for the humanity and I expect that cancer patients will reach the treatment for free (all the chemicals are easily available and such cheap that can be provided at almost no cost).
• I will share the formulation with many people and may not answer your replies/questions.
• Please, don’t share this at social media. Share with Cancer Forum s, scientists and other related people and communities.
• You must obey your country’s laws when applying the treatments.
• Use high quality and pure chemicals.
• Our treatment gives 23.69 miligrams of selenium per day and can be applied at least 6 months WITHOUT ANY SIDE EFFECTS. Also, you will see that many blood values (including PLT, WBC, ALT, AST, GGT, urea, creatinine, sedimentation) will stay in normal ranges. However, FDA determined the safe upper limit for selenium (yeast bound selenium or selenomethionine) as 0.400 milligrams, which is 60x lower than our treatment. That is probably because the selenium is in different form (complexed with zinc and citrate) at our formulation. The another reason may be the capitalist behavior of drug companies. They probably prevented development of selenium based extremely cheap formulations and made us need of complex molecules produced by their drug companies. The commercial chemotherapy drugs have much complex structures whose synthesis requires special instruments that can be owned only by drug companies.
• If you are concerned about high dose of selenium at our formulation, you can start with the extremely low doses determined by FDA (equals to 0.1ml of our formulation per day) and increase the dose every day up to 6ml per day. You will see that our doses (6ml per day) are true.
• The treatment will also be effective on the patients to whom chemotherapy was applied before. Also, you can apply the formulation to whom chemotherapy promises no hope. The treatment will stop the cancer related pains in 1-2 weeks and reduce the tumor size following months.
• I wish all cancer patients reach the treatment and cancer will be a simple illness.
• You will see that the formulation works. You can change ratios of the chemicals, add new components or replace chemicals to develop better formulations. I expect scientists and doctors in all around the world will develop the formulation further.
• I don’t have facility for researching the exact mechanism of how it works. Maybe the formulation is targeted specially to cancer cells in the body and/or immune system plays a great role and/or there are other factors. Please make researches about the mechanism too. By this way, you may develop the formulation further.
• Don’t rely only on in vitro cytotoxicity tests. Make in vivo tests and observe the effectiveness of the formulation. Also, you will see that the formulation and treatment procedure work at cancer patients without any side effects.
• Like Iodine addition into the salts, maybe eatable or drinkable form of the formulation can be added into foods in order to prevent cancer. If you achieve that, cancer will only be mentioned in the history books in the future.
• Please don’t do these works for money. The pleasure you feel when one patient healed is much greater than billions of dollars.

A gift for humanity by Nickname Abdulalim


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