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Reversing accutane side effects/damage
moonpetal74 Views: 1,372
Published: 9 y

Reversing accutane side effects/damage

I've been suffering with accutane side effects for 24 years and have finally come across what I think might be a possible cure. I was always trying to detoxify the drug assuming it was still in my body, but from what I've read alot of the persistent problems with accutane are the fact that it alters your gene expression. I've just recently come across a supplement called rna drops which apparently is supposed to correct your RNA. This sounds like the sort of thing that would correct gene expression. I haven't tried it yet but I will, I just thought I'd share this for anyone else interested. It was developed by Dr Carolyn Dean and has lot of really good testimonials, not from accutane users but even so, it sounds like an amazing product.


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