Actually pinworms can end up in the nose and other parts of the body. Not by traveling there but common sense tells you if you can inhale the microscopic eggs which do float through the air sometimes then of course they can hatch in your nose and bc we rub our eyes they can end up there and in your ears and lungs and throat. I've been doing research for years and there are thousands of testimonies to that. I am also speaking from experience. Supposedly they don't live long there according to experts and die off quickly and also cannot reproduce bc the conditions are not favorable like the intestines or anus. I am located in the United States and according to every doctor I talk to only pinworms are present in the USA. If you have any other type of work then most likely you are in or picked it up in another country. So if your feeling them in other places and you are in the US don't listen to this bogus info. They can also live in the vagina of females and doctors used to say they couldn't lay eggs there but one recent study and test subject as proved otherwise. I for one might not be getting my house clean enough bc I keep feeling them in other parts so either they continue to thrive in those places unlike what I've been told is possible or it's just continual reinfestation. Besides the crawling sensation in my eyes and ears I will feel almost a quick sharp stabbing pain in my eyes and ears which is similar to the sensation I get when they are by my anus. I've never felt this kind of pain or Sensation in my life until having pinworms. I've always been pretty aware of my body and if you are too and you think they are in your eyes then you are probably correct. And yes it's most likely pinworms...