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You cant Hurt Yourself if You Go Slow
vairagi Views: 1,107
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You cant Hurt Yourself if You Go Slow

Misty (maybe because there are two Iodine forums you didnt receive a deluge of advice)

No need to worry, go slow and if you have any untoward experiences, stop taking it and post a question.
The advice discussing hyper thyroid is not helpful, and misleading if not outright controversial as to its value.

Dont be concerned to do all the pre PH stuff unless you are a basket case type person, really ill already, or have time to mess w that. Study it, sure. Know about it and why and what it all does or may do, but really the selenium and the going slow and waiting a bit to ramp up to beyond 35mgs a day(taking a week to get there is a good test of your overall detox situation. (5mgs per drop, increasing one drop a day, in 7 days would equal 35 mgs a day). Vit C, always a good thing, B6 according to Mallow really helped after she had supped with Iodine w not much happening (tho we don't know what her daily dose was/is, Mallow?).

Part of understanding this is taking into account what we experience when we miss one daily meal. A day of meals. A few. And to the degree we experience discomfort in missing a meal or more tells us what our bodies congested state is. So if not eating for a day is only a hunger thing and not a hypoglycemic or stressed and anger thing, we are probably alright and ready wout much added supplementation of free radical scavengers. Because that's what the Selenium and the C will do, help clean out a system that is being ramped up in it's ability to clean and process quicker .

I shared only a part of the Amazon link because CZ doesn't let commercial ventures display a link (wout a contract) : Just type in the http://www.Amazon

in front of this:

and paste it into the URL window and youll get one choice for purchase.

You can take one drop the first day, to start slow, adding a drop each day. You will need to buy selenium and take 200 mcg a day. B6 might be good choice as Mallow advises. Have a healthy salt available so you can mix a half teaspoon in a glass of water to drink if you experience any pains, head ache, or body.

At one drop a day , then two ect you might stop for a while at 7 drops a day to see how your overall system is responding, and stay there a week or longer, eventually if things are under control continue till you reach 50mgs per day, then wait a while again. Continue in this way till you reach 100 mgs a day (hopefully you will be more informed by then about what others in a situation like yours have decided was good level (many go higher, so keep looking at the literature).

If you experience detoxing like skin blemishes or rash or aches it isn't the Iodine doing it it is your cells functioning better. So you cant hurt yourself, tho many think that is the case and give a negative report om their Iodine experience. But again, its not the Iodine at fault or causing the discomfort, or an allergic reaction, its the cellular state we have allowed to happen in our system and the Iodine is assisting it to regain proper functioning. Its an element that is required by our cells and organs(especially the fluid expressing organs) for their efficient functioning.

You may add any supplements that you read about as you see and feel the need. Its not as necessary if we are going slow. tho Vit C (lyposomal is best if you can afford it) and making good diet choices will help the whole process.

Hope this helps you do it and keep reading about it.


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