what about a... PAWPAW/PAPAYA FAST?
FASTING on PAPAYA (aust pawpaw - not American pawpaw)
another Question...
I have in the past done a 2-3 week pure pineapple fast and family commented that I seemed to be in fantastic shape during that fast... except my teeth, lol...
I am wanting to in the future do a similar fast but with Papaya (Australian pawpaw - not American pawpaw as its a diff fruit all together) HERE IN REFERRED TO AS PAWPAW (i am in
oz and that its typical name here)... possibly the same duration and try to continue it into my life (eating light as per usual and having mainly pawpaw, have a nutrient such as soup, other veg, some animal protein only when needed)....
I was wanting to do this for several reasons.
1) it is apparently brilliant in regulation hormonal irregularities. I have PCOS/ OVARIAN CYSTS... but my hormone levels according to the quacks are 'just simply perfect" whatever that means.
2) it contains anti tumour/cyst/cancer properties. perhaps this will break down the cysts?
3) its not a high
Sugar fruit and regulates blood sugar
4) hear, liver, kidney benefits!
5) skin clearing...
6) Its has so much blessings and I do enjoy the seeds, the skin, and all of it...
7) antiparasite!
Can anyone tell me there experiences with such a thing?
Can anyone tell me why this would be a bad idea?
Can anyone tell me a better idea (coconut?, coconut, pineapple and pawpaw together?)
REALLY need to know this as partner is wanting diet options for me as an alternative to
Water Fasting as I am a bit underweight (obviously concerned for me)