Iodine Supplementation - Initially felt amazing
So about 8 months ago I started supplementing with
Iodine and selenium and i felt UNBELIEVABLE.I had so much energy, didn't need to sleep as much, my mind was so clear and my skin and eyes looked brighter and healthier. This great feeling lasted about 3 months or so, then I gradually went back to feeling lousy (tired all the time, no energy, bad skin, bad eyes, bad hair etc).
Does anyone know why the iodine/selenium stopped making me feel good after 3 months and how I can get that amazing feeling back?
I'm Coeliac and hypothyroid and supplement with magnesium, vit D, iodine, selenium, zinc, cod oil, etc.
I just wanna know why I had such a boost from the
Iodine initially but then went back to feeling bad. Any advice pls as I don't want to keep feeling bad..