It's puzzling why the Best Websites forum doesn't seem to have many website links lately. A website I just found seems to have the most important health finding of the century.
Fiber is more or less okay short-term, but it damages the mucosa and microflora over time. And it's common in carb foods, which are already known to be bad when excessive.
Babies on breastmilk don't have fiber, but they have bowel movements okay. The places with the highest percentages of centenarians are Sardinia and Okinawa and the people there have very low fiber diets. Fiber actually is associated with kids' health problems during intake of increasing fiber. Fiber can block ducts in the bowels to the pancreas and other organs and can cause malnutrition.
The website is . It's been around for 12 years or more, but I only found it this week.