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Alt.Meds-Naturals Anthelmintics with RX Anthelmintics
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Alt.Meds-Naturals Anthelmintics with RX Anthelmintics

Parasites 157572 Parasite Album />
What Doctor's will not tell you />
What started the parasite regimen in my house was a parasite infection that was given to my husband and I while my husband was hospitalized with a broken back and leg. It was a very small parasite of .6mm that dug into the skin and looks like a flea and when it's egg hatch little larvae worms crawled from the pores. Arabian Sand Flea? Don't know, I was told it doesn't exist in the US, but I know that I have pictures and samples if anyone cares to know the truth. Doctor's associated with the hospital denied treatment and prescribed steroids and denied medical treatment to my husband which led to his having a stroke and being untreated with un-diagnosed medical condition. This has changed our lives forever.

The Doctor's we had seen refused to treat the parasite infestation and denied service, having canceled doctor's appointments for their office.

Everything that I will be writing down is the coctails of anthelmintics that are talked about by ICU and others here on Curezone. I recommend that all research of any medications to be ingested be thoroughly researched and any allergies and/or sensitivities can not be known until you have tried via skin rubbing or ingesting. Most of us here have found by trial and error and the sheer blessed luck of spirit and God All Mighty that breath still fills my lungs.

The signs of Liver failure and sensitivity is vomiting, nausea and systemic failure. Signs that the heart is failing and irregular or rapid beat are blue lips, shortness of breath, chest pains, fever, drop in temperature, weakness, light headed and disoriented. Stroke signs are loss of mobility on right or left hand side of the body, not always followed by headache or pain, the difference between hemorrhagic and blood clot stroke is one continues to bleed until it is ready to stop, the other is a blood clot that kills off and fills the brain with its size. Always have written down the amount and names of drugs you will be taking so that any medical emergency ER folks can save your life. Call 911.

The following drugs could have caused all the above and any and in all respect to taking your health into your own hands is your choice, not mine, not George and certainly not the unknown person selling you the medications and anthelmintics.

Ivermectin in the Am 6

Am/Pm - Naturals taken daily in small doses as part of daily diet

1/4 - 1/2 cup pineapple
fresh strawberries or frozen
1/4- 1/2 cup fresh papaya , green with 1 teaspoon of seeds
or dried green papaya 1/2 teaspoon
3 tablespoons of raw pumpkin seeds, ground
1 tablespoon of fresh flax seed, ground fresh

Taken daily will break down naturally the mucus and green phlegm that protects the flukes and seedlings of intestinal parasites that breed bacteria and fungi. Using castor oil packs and 1 daily pill of castor oil 1 gram helps to discourage the breeding environment. /> />
Praziquental 25mg - 75mg per kg body weight as per medical journals can make you extremely sick. I have found more success using small doses 8mg-25mg/kg over a longer period of time, rather the larger doses to kill the Flukes that had lined my intestines. The more you kill the more die-off, means more toxicity and over load of everything bad your body can not cope with. It is an investment to go the length of treatment rather than poison your poor body.

After taking the 75mg/kg broken into three doses taken in 12 hour intervals to be okay the first time, the second time after a two week break was pushing it and the third time after another two week break was too much. I vomited for 7 hours straight and found that my body wanted to die.

Recommendation is that castor oil packs be done prior to any ingesting of medications per the removal of mucus lining the intestines. HOW I DID MY CASTOR OIL PACK. This may take a month or two, but I had movement by the second treatment on the second day. />
There is a lot of information for everyone here that has documented the minerals and vitamin supplements that have helped and forced the organs to do their job when they are in shock and overwhelmed with the toxins. />
The use of Fenbendazole in a group study and purely experimental because no one has used it on humans, our group is the first to document. The first time I used twice the weight for five days to start. 4.6mg/kg is the standard and I doubled the paste amount. It is completely disgusting to consume. I wanted to vomit the second day. The headaches were intense and on the third day, silence. All movement in my skull was silent.

After all movement in the skull stopped for a full 48 hours after the fifth day was overwhelming to know I had worms everywhere. After the 48 hours after the fifth day, they began to move again. complete and utter defeat and hopelessness. Case studies on animals said only to use once a month. So I had to wait for the next treatment. Second month, headaches were intense for the first two days and then silence again. After the fifth day the silence lasted a week. I cried and was depressed for three days.

Moxi-Prazi - Moxidectin and Praziquental 1 time monthly dosing per body weight. Extreme mood changer, aggressive and angry.

On the second month I followed the fenben treatment with Praziquental of 25mg/kg broken into 4-5 doses a day for 14 days with Albendazole in the PM, also taken with naturals in the AM/PM. Shaking of the hands and stuttering of words had diminished. Moxi-Prazi dose was experimented at twice the dosage on the second month. Extremely aggressive mood elevator. I took St. John's Wort to minimize the aggression 2 capsules. Tried to get good sleep used Melatonin and GABA before bed. The extended silence was only three days in the head.

Second month husband had stroke and irregular heatbeat and had to have heart surgery. Whether the drugs and/or medication has anything to do with it, was not found. He was not on the same protocol as I was on, but taking much small doses. His liver, kidneys and heart were healthy with rouge nerves taking over the beating of the heart. The combination of taking ibuprofen, aspirin and ginkgo biloba may have thinned his blood to a point that when the hemorrhagic stroke happened it was a combination* my opinion. I was told it was his high blood pressure that caused the stroke and not the blood thinners. So my recommendation is that if you have high blood pressure that you bring it down via medications or yoga, breathing or whatever it is that makes your blood pressure lower.

Third Month of Fenben single dose at 4.6mg/kg. Pneumonia has kicked in gift of a visitor at the hospital. Took Fenben for one day at regular dose of 4.6mg/kg  for one day, once a week on Sundays. Moxi-Prazi 1/8th turn of the dial for 7 days made a big difference with the praziquental low dosing of 14mg-25mg/kg per day. Moxi-Prazi accumulates in the blood. So if you have one large dose for your weight break that into 5 doses. Using #3 gelatin capsule's makes it easy to capsulate and consume because it is the MOST awful tasting medicine out of all of it.

Note: when you start taking the heavy potent anthelmintics like Fenben and Moxi-Prazi combinations worms/parasites go into breeding over drive. If you are uncertain about being unable to finish a one year commitment then DO NOT START this protocol. In every one of the logs and personal journals written here on CureZone say that a commitment of extended trial and error based upon the infection you are fighting can kill you if you start something you can not continue. You may multiply your infection causing liver and kidney failure. The brain invasion is frightening and convulsions, shaking, stuttering and brain eclipse of memory and even epileptic seizures. Most people that are forced into such protocols have already hit the shakes and epileptic seizures, loss of memory and the loss of verbal and communicative skills. My communicative skills and shaking had begun last year while working. No One, not even me wants anyone to step into the war without understanding the risks and gains regarding the choice you are going to make.

I have always pushed the slow and natural methods as being effective but also slow in progress.

While using bitter herbs like garlic and olive leaf, these bitters like Neem and anything that I have not mentioned causes the scattering of worms forcing them from the intestines to other parts of the body, like the lungs.

The use of raw pumpkin seed is very important that the quality, plumpness, waxy texture is of the highest quality and can NOT be sundried. The chemical that is in this natural product paralyzes the parasites allowing them to pass through the intestines without violence. Consuming a minimum of 3 tablespoons every 12 hours keeps the natural chemical in your body.

Otherwise you can use Albendazole. With the use of 200mg of Albendazole in the PM, you will have a very easy time of taking chewable pills or liquid livestock meds with 40 grams of ingestable oil like olive oil, grapeseed, walnut, almond and etc. The healthier the oil the better because the liver needs this oil to process the drug into the blood system. Albendazole kills worms at the same time it slows worms down and paralyzes them, but it also adds to the toxin level when you are taking other medications. Plus, the hair loss. The hair loss can be extreme when using Albendazole over a long period of time. Because you want to use it daily with weekly breaks every two weeks.

I shaved my hair off when the bald spots started showing up. It was too stressful with the handful of hair in each hand each day.

Through the trial and error. Nausea kicks in, then it is a sign the liver is on over load. Instead of stopping all medications. Taking Papaya seed fresh 1 teaspoon, magnesium sulfate, vitamin C ester, vitamin E, vitamin D3 and cottage cheese and one raw egg in your naturals kept me alive, while minimizing the dose levels and shortening the anthelmintic protocol durations.

So from my experience. I would stick to naturals for a good four to six months using external castor oil packs.

In the AM, I dose with Ivermectin that I use low dosing Praziquental for flukes 14mg/kg, flat and ribbon worms and doxycycline 100mg a day to cut into the skin of round worms. The Moxi-Prazi very low daily dose of 1/8 th teaspoon before bedtime 5-7 days intervals. This is a new 30 day protocol. Moxi-prazi combo, taken in minimize doses of half of 1/16th to 1/32nd doses are for longer dosing protocols of 30 days. The medication accumulates in the body and should be seen as a bank that saves. That also means toxins building in the kidneys and liver. Without your liver you die.

While taking these medications I have had no need to take naturals. Only when acid reflux and worms start to crawl out of the throat and nasal passages that sipping a warm tea of 1/2 teaspoon of powdered green papaya helps dissolve the culprits.

When taking a break from RX Anthelmintics, taking a healthy natural approach allows you to feel more relaxed as the body heals between dosing protocols. For those dealing with itchy buttes, I highly recommend vicks vapor rub and wearing snug panties. Also, those females that do not have the luxury of knowing if your sexual partner is reinfecting you, I highly recommend female condoms.

It will takes months 3-4 months of taking naturals without scattering your worm infestaton if you do it the gentle way. It may drive you insane doing it this way, but I have to say that before jumping into any medication protocol that you understand you just can not stop or you can make it worse.

Strepsils is a cough drop that can be purchased outside of the US and kills worms that crawl up the lungs to be swallowed again for reproduction and help with coughing so you can get some sleep.

So having jumped in feet first because it definitely was not with my head. Back pedaling was very difficult and I had to take two months off for my liver to heal. Then I started again.

DE, Diatomaceous Earth, please use the ingestable type. Lime juice in moderation, natural papaya fruit and seeds, pineapple, olive leaf, garlic, turmeric, thyme. These all can be used in essential oil and raw forms. Essential oils for papaya seed and pomegranate seed oils need to be cold pressed extra virgin and I order mine from the Lotus Garden, Karen sells a quality product. Pomegranate oil has a way of strengthening the potency of the naturals and I take that in the evening before bed. I also add a little candied ginger to spice up the shake.

If you are using any of the bitters, please remember the warning of scattering the unknown parasites. But, once you have a handle on the mucus and phlegm inside of the intestines and green starts to come out, then the use of bitters have more of an affect. Once you start seeing larger specimens larger than a penny and seed pods start to come out in the feces, you can start experimenting on using your bitters and hot peppers. I crushed two cloves of garlic in with nacho cheese and salsa and ate some corn chips and the next morning I hit jackpot. But, of course I have had the removal of mucus for a month now.


Also note: once the gelatinous mass of green, clear mucus has started to come out this means all medications you are ingesting are stronger also, so take note of toxic levels and consider your liver and kidney's by cutting back as the die off remains the same if not increases.

I eat very little processed foods, I cook almost everything I eat, not even raw foods unless they kill parasites. I wash everything in enzymes to kill any parasite that can be hidden in the underside of leaves, lettuce, fruits and veggies.

I noticed that while the investigation of parasites from my feces that the undigested lettuce had grown thorns/hooks and roots while in my intestines after five days, as if it was an insect and not a plant. I steam everything now.

Drinking water. Boil everything. Purified water and distilled water when dealing with liver toxins. Himalayan salt with 85 minerals is beneficial and please read MattK3 experience and vitamin/mineral regimens that kept himself and I alive. He has been a great source of information. Sharkman and others here have real life experiences and no two people are equal.

Exercising is helpful in the removal of stomach parasites. As you begin with as little as ten sit-ups the rolling of the intestines start to move the gas bubbles and remove any dead parasites that still are connected to the intestinal walls.  As your energy returns it is easier and easier to increase your sit-ups, push-up, pull-ups, stretching and breathing to regain lost energy.

If you need anymore information then please contact me private email. I am bombarded by emails and do not read 1/8th of the emails posted.

I do not focus on survival any longer but living.

Have a plan and stick to it and then try again.

My recommendation... When a doctor refuses treatment file a complaint with your insurance company and with the State. Then find a new doctor and give them a chance at making right what bad doctor's did wrong. There are no promises that anything will be done, no wrongs made right. Just don't settle for someone telling you your not worth their time. Because your life means something, even if it is only to you. You matter.



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