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Drug tests now being administered randomly at middle schools to indoctrinate children into the pharma police state
befurther Views: 337
Published: 9 y

Drug tests now being administered randomly at middle schools to indoctrinate children into the pharma police state

‘With each passing day, the nanny/police state encroaches a little further upon our freedom and the right to privacy – using the pretense of “protection” as an excuse to control and monitor every aspect of our daily lives.

One of the latest examples of this meddling mindset involves a New Jersey school district that has decided that random drug testing of middle school children is somehow a good idea.

The Lacey Township Board of Education voted on August 15 to begin a “voluntary” drug testing program for seventh and eighth grade students that will involve penalties for those who fail the randomly administered monthly tests.’

Read more: Drug tests now being administered randomly at middle schools to indoctrinate children into the pharma police state



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