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Re: Fenbendazole vs piperazine for toxocara and toxascaris
HotelParasite Views: 1,547
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Re: Fenbendazole vs piperazine for toxocara and toxascaris

That is what I did. I gave them for 3 days every two weeks. I did that for about 6 months until they started rolling their eyes at me. Now they get the same dose once a month with prazi.

I no longer give them the Ivermectin once a month heart worm treatment. You have to pay 12 dollars a dose for 38 cents worth of Iver with Heart Guard. I did a bunch of research and found that Fenbendazole and Prazi once a month works just as well as the Heart guard. Ivermectin over use has caused it to be much less effective in preventing heart worm. If I lived in the southern US I might add Iver because of the prevalence of heart worm but were I live there just aren't many cases. I'm much more concerned about Chagas and West Nile than heart worm. I won't get them vaccinated for West Nile because the vaccine has proven to be more deadly than the virus. I just don't trust vaccines anyway. The last rabies vaccine caused terrible swelling that lasted months.

I found that Milk Thistle seems to help the dogs with any parasites. Keeps their livers flushed out.
They also get coconut oil, taurine, Iodoral and Curcumin. AND I cook their 2 meals a day rather than use dog food. They have no idea how good they got it!


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