Re: Supplements cause candida to worsen
Are you absolutely certain that the tongue coating IS thrush? Leaky gut tends to cause a thick tongue coating which is not thrush, it's the bodies reaction to everything which floods into the bloodstream and the resultant immune reaction. A thick tongue coating means an overactive parasympathetic nervous system ie tiredness and can also affect the mood. It affects he bodies flow of Qi/Chi where the Qi does not reach the outer parts of the body ie the skin can suffer, blood pressure can drop, your sinuses could be affected.
It should be easy to destroy Oral Thrush using
Colloidal Silver mouth wash. However I doubt that is what you are suffering, merely a reaction caused by your leaky gut. Any food you eat is probably making this worse because it triggers an immune reaction with anti bodies to new foods.
BTW I believe that your problem is not even Candida, it's a bacteria which cohabits with Candida. It's the bacteria that you should treat and then Candida will have no place to live! It would then be unable to seed your digestive system. You have failed to treat the bacteria, which is very difficult to beat and that is why you have been unsuccessful beating Candida.
Using German Chamomile essential oil can help the mood, it tones the Liver and lung Qi but it can make the Qi flow to the outside of the body worse so might not ideal.
Organic German Chamomile, a pure form must be used. I use a 20ml dropper bottle half filled with distilled water and add ONE drop of german chamomile essential oil. Shake the bottle vigorously and then use 1 drop in water, I use 2 drops with Aloe vera. This can help with energy and mood. You would need to monitor for heat and bloodshot eyes. It can be combined with a little Aloe vera to cool some of the heat in the liver. Taken over a long time, it should help the mood and can help with certain womens problems.
Many of these problems are caused by how people handle or don't handle emotions ie repressing them. The leaky gut it just making it more pronounced.