I'm sure you're quite intuitive, and can pick up what's beneficial for you. . .
I think it's fun when you first get the instrument, to test everything! But then naturally, the sense develops to see/feel/know what is good. I've thought of giving my brix metre away, since I've learned what I need to. For people new to the whole concept, it can be so helpful. Some people have a really hard time trusting their own instincts; esp. a 'crazy' instinct to eat a lot of a particular food
for a few days. The truth is, it might be exactly 'what the (inner) doctor ordered - high brix is medicinal!
I kind of wish I'd gone back to the store and bought two or three more baskets of the first concords that tested so high. They were amazing-you could feel the high frequency antioxidant power in them.